Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

It has been a long time since I have posted, but we are finally home! At the end of last week, I was asked to stay overnight at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Hotel once again to make sure Teaghan would eat through the night. Of course she did this just fine and Brian and I were able to spend one last night in the official worst beds on Earth!

Teaghan also finished her apnea countdown, only having bradys when eating, which they said was quite normal. In fact, they said it is just reflux, which most babies have, it's just that they are not attached to a monitor! She also had to sit in her car seat for almost 2 hours to show that she would not have any issues. Teaghan barely fit in the seat, but after we had her in good, she was fine. She saved us from having to buy the smaller car seat, but just barely...

In the days leading up to her discharge, we had to sign our life away stating that we knew how to take care of our baby. The "care plan" was quite lengthy and we had to sign off on things such as we knew how to give her a bath, we knew signs of fever, and we would restrict our visitors when she was home for the first few weeks. Then we had to watch a series of videos on everything from car seat safety to shaken baby syndrome. Apparently there was no box to check that said second child! While Brian was bored to death going over these videos, I am glad that they do this with all families because many could probably use them!

It is nice to be home without the beeping of monitors and distraction of some of the other babies. It was so hard to watch each of them as they battled their own issues. We could not have asked for better care for Teaghan and were so thankful for all of the support we received. The nurses and doctors were excellent and we can't say this enough!

Charleigh was so proud to bring her baby sister home and has been a big help! She is constantly checking on Teaghan and loves to hold her! Although jealousy shows through every now and then, she has adjusted very well!

Since we have been home, Teaghan has gained 4 ounces and is now weighing 5 lbs. 2 oz. She eats very well...especially in the middle of the night! Now all we needs is some sleep!

My goal is to post at least weekly with an update...we'll see how I do!

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15

So posting every day has proven to be a challenge now that I don't have a home base at the hospital! My days consist of arriving for the 8:00am feeding and coming back to Katelyn's after the 8:00pm feeding. I have to pump in between her feedings which are every 3 hours! On top of this, you are not able to use cell phones in the ICN, so my communication with the outside world is limited!

As of today, Teaghan weighs 4 lbs. 13 oz., which is up from her birth weight. She has been breastfeeding quite well for the past two days, and they are feeding her with the tube at night. She no longer has an IV. In order to go home, she needs to have three more days with no apnea and needs to maintain her body temperature outside of the isolette. They tried to put her in a regular "crib" the other day, but she was still pretty chilly. A first this bothered me, but one nurse said that she would rather have her using her energy to grow rather than to stay warm. When looking at it from this perspective, I was okay with it.

They have asked me to spend a couple of nights at the hospital before we go home. I am waiting to see how close we are before I do this, but it could be the end of the week. I am really trying not to get my hopes up, but it sure would be nice to have the four of us under one roof - especially our own!

On Sunday a photographer from this area volunteered to take pictures of the babies in the ICN and their families. Charleigh and Teaghan made a really cute pair. They asked me if they could take some additional pictures of Teaghan for a public service announcement about pre-term babies, too. Each family was given a CD with all of the images. I will share some soon!

Dad is on Spring Break this week, so he, Mom and Charleigh are staying at Katelyn's with me for a few days. I bought Charleigh a princess sleeping bag and it works like a charm! They will go back to Keene on Wednesday and then come again at the end of the week. Katelyn and Garrett are in Arizona so the cats are enjoying the company! It is so nice to be able to put Charleigh to bed and wake up to her smiling face!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11

After a long day with some photo therapy, Teaghan is looking great! She was beginning to look quite orange and after several days just under her light level, she finally went way over at 16.9. Her little sunglasses made her look a little funny! They will re-test her Friday morning, but we should be done with the jaundice ordeal.

Teaghan is also nursing very well! Yesterday she fed well, needing only half feeds at some points and today I breastfed her all day. Her eating patterns are still immature, but she is able to handle it. In addition, she has reached her maximum feeding, 41mL, for those in between tube feedings. The nurse told me that I may want to consider sleeping at the hospital to feed her overnight, but that I would have to share a room with one or two other women. I think I will wait until we get a little closer to going home - I have had my share of doubling!

Teaghan gained 80 grams on Wednesday and we are hoping for similar gains from today. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

She had a brief apnea spell that lasted for seven seconds. They will probably start her countdown over again, meaning she has at least another 5 or 7 days there. This said, they are also saying that she will very possibly be home by the end of the month. I don't want to rush things at all....although it sure will be nice to have both girls at home!

Charleigh continues to love her new role of big sister! She loves to help change her diaper, take her temperature and even hold her (for very short periods of time). She was less than impressed with the poopy diaper T gifted us with this afternoon, though. Charleigh, Mom and Dad visited today and will be here tomorrow, too. Next week Auntie Kate and Uncle Garrett will be on vacation, so the whole crew will come spend a few nights! I can't wait to tuck Charleigh in again!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9

Teaghan continues to do very well! She is up to eating 24mL every 3 hours and that will increase at 11pm tonight to 30mL (1 ounce) every three hours. She gained another 20 grams and is headed back to her birth weight. She looks very jaundice, but still has bilirubin levels right below her cutoff. The doctors said that today is the day her levels should peak and then they should start to go down. The only other issues are totally related to prematurity....she needs a little extra heat and continues to have about one apnea issue each day. They say both of these issues will resolve themselves in time.

There has been some talk of transferring Teaghan back to Keene. While I am happy that she is doing well enough to continue this, I am not incredibly comfortable with that move. She is monitored so closely now and they deal with premature babies all the time. I really would like her to stay where she is for a little longer, even if it is harder on all of us.

Teaghan was moved to another bed space today. The little boy next to her went home and they needed two close spaces for a set of twins. They are almost moving her as much as they moved me!

I went home for a brief visit last night (Monday) and Charleigh was very excited to realize that I still live in our house! We got in our jammies and played hard before bed. After making her pancakes for breakfast, I headed back to the hospital early. Although I hated leaving the hospital even for this short time, it was so nice to spend this time with Charleigh. I am looking forward to a time when we can sleep at home with both girls!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 6 and 7

So posting every day is not nearly as easy when there is no home base in the hospital! Here is a brief recap of the past two days...
Saturday - Teaghan continued to do well today! She still is without the CPAP and has been very stable. The only concern at this time was her bilirubin level. She looks quite yellow, but is still under the "legal limit". : )They began to let me hold her a little more and had me take her temperature and change her diapers. Messy for a little stinker!

Charleigh, Grandma and Grandpa came today and had a great visit! Our nurse for the day, Nurse Amy, was WONDERFUL with Charleigh. She allowed her to help change her diaper, take her temperature and hold her. Charleigh was thrilled and it was so fun to watch. She loves her baby sister! Charleigh sang her ABC's to Teaghan and then left with a bag of diapers and two bottles for her babies from Amy. This was the best part of the day!

We celebrated Katelyn's birthday since she will be gone on the 17th and then Brian and I headed back to say good night to Teaghan. When we arrived, we scrubbed in and headed to her bed space to find that she was replaced with a "Caution Wet Floor" sign. You can imagine my panic. I asked at the desk where I might find her, only to learn that she had "graduated" to the carpet area. This area is for babies who are more stable. Phew! This area is much more comfortable and relaxing as there are no really needy babies. There are still alarms, but not nearly as many machines.

Exactlly one month later, I was discharged from the hospital... I did have a hard time leaving the hospital without Teaghan, but I am trying to remember that she is in good hands. We went back to Kate and Garrett's and enjoyed full size towels and a real bed...ahh!

Sunday - Teaghan was dressed this morning when we got to the hospital!!! She looked so cute! I was surprised, though, how small the preemie clothes were on her! I guess I will only look for Newborn and up sized clothing!

Teaghan continues to do well. She did have a few episodes of apnea overnight and again twice during the day. They are not at all concerned, but it is a rather uncomfortable feeling for me. This is something that they say she will outgrow when she reaches 35 or 36 weeks. They are also still watching her bilirubin level, but she escaped the tanning session again today. She was also had a few periods where she was pretty awake today which was a nice change! Her feedings will double today and go up again by 6 mL tonight at 11:00pm. This makes a whole 18 mL every 3 hours! Teaghan even gave nursing a good chance this afternoon. Little steps, but we are headed in the right direction.

The clan came to visit again and Charleigh is still totally in love with Teaghan. She insisted on holding her again, although it was for just a short time. Charleigh just loved it when Teaghan grabbed her nose. Too cute!
Publish Post

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 5 - One Day Old

I am actually writing this early on Saturday morning because during my usual blogging time, Brian and I were packing our things thinking we were either getting discharged or moved to a new room and being doubled for my last night at the Hitchcock Hotel. Keep in mind this was from 10:30pm on, so I was less than entertained! Needless to say, we packed everything, Brian loaded the car with some things and they decided not to move 1:30am!!!

Anyway...we had a terrific day with Teaghan and Charleigh! We were pleasantly surprised when we went for a quick visit at 5:30am and Teaghan had been taken off of the CPAP (only 9 hours with it) and was breathing 100% on her own. She continues to do well! At this point, they say she is pretty low maintenance; she is still finishing her 48 hours of antibiotics just in case of infection, needs a little bit of additional heat to keep her body temperature up, and has the feeding tube and IV. She has taken what little I have been able to pump as supplements and even becoming a little cranky when it is time to eat!

Charleigh came to see visit and was so very excited to see Baby Teaghan! Because they are so strict with who can see her, our time was limited, and only 3 of us could go in at a time. Mom, Charleigh and I went in and Charleigh was so her Big Sister shirt, Charleigh gently touched her hand and talked to her. She was also anxious to pack her up and bring her home...not quite yet! Dad came in right after and Brian's parents visited in the afternoon.

I have to say it is very difficult to sit in the ICN with the levels of care some of the babies need. They are SO tiny and some very sick. I am VERY happy that I sat in bed for as long as I did and so incredibly thankful that she is doing so well!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pictures - 3/4/10

Using those lungs!
Teaghan right after her delivery!

March 4 - She's Here!

So my back pain turned out to be contractions.... I woke up at 2am with this horrible back ache again. It was on and off through the night, but nothing consistent until around 6:30am. They put me on the monitor and, sure enough, I was having contractions. I was not at all dilated at this time. Teaghan was looking great, so they took me off of the monitor for most of the day. The contractions were strong, but about 8-10 minutes apart until around 4:00pm. Look out! At 5:15pm I was 5 cm, fully effaced, and by 6:00pm, I was at 9cm ready to push! I had requested a heating pad for the pain, but they could not get a working one in here all day! They also tried to give me one dose of something for the pain, but it was WAY too late - this was only like 5 minutes before she was born. Although it hurt like hell, I managed to get through it okay. I didn't even swear once!!!!! (This is a miracle considering the trucker mouth I adopted during Charleigh's labor.)

At 6:25pm, 33 weeks, 2 days, Teaghan Shea was born. She came out crying and needed very little support. Brian was able to cut the cord and then they whisked her away to the ICN. Teaghan weighed 4lbs. 11oz. and was 17 inches long! Not bad compared to what we were expecting. She has lots of black hair!

We were unable to see her until almost 8pm...this time passed very slowly. When we got there, she was receiving some support breathing with the CPAP. This provides pressure to help her breathe, but she does not need any oxygen at all...she is breathing room air. She needs a little extra heat, and they put in a feeding tube and IV. She is not yet eating, but the tube will release some air in her belly so she can burp! They did a chest x-ray and a CBC, but both looked fine. I have to say, being in the ICN and seeing all of the tubes and monitors was a little overwhelming, but I am sure we will get used to it. It is just a relief that she is doing so well!

Charleigh was SO excited when we called; far more than I ever thought she would be. Mom and Dad had just finished washing and reassembling the infant car seat (with Charleigh's help). When she heard that Teaghan was out of Mommy's belly, she wanted to get the car seat and head here!

Brian and I are both hoping to get some rest tonight, but I am not feeling very tired. We'll see...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3

I am officially falling apart! Last night I woke up at 2:30am with horrible pain in my lower back. I figured out that it wasn't labor when I moved and I got some relief. This has continued since then; I cannot get comfortable at all. They brought in a new chair for something different, but it only feels better for a few minutes. Brian decided to try my bed for a little bit tonight and even his back started to hurt after a little while. I may have to break down and take some Tylenol!

Charleigh and Mom rode up with Brian today and Dad came up after his classes were over. Charleigh had picked out some projects to do with me at Michael's so today we made an Easter necklace. She did a pretty good job stringing the wooden beads!

Tomorrow they are checking my sugar again....what fun. Does it really matter when I am going to have the baby next week? Really I am just mad I couldn't eat whatever I wanted tonight! : )

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2 - 33 Weeks

One week from today! I am so ready...or I was until I heard the girl in the next room screaming, crying and swearing for an extended period of time. Maybe a c-section wouldn't be so bad?!

Teaghan was a super star during the NST this morning and I again, did not have one tonight. When the doctor came in this morning, he was sure to tell me that the induction could last anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days. I guess this is better than the 3 days it took with Charleigh! They will start the Pitocin at midnight on Monday/Tuesday and see how it goes. I really hope we are able to get some sleep that night, but I doubt it!

Charleigh came for a nice visit today and was full of it, as usual! She managed to fill two diapers during the three and a half hours they were here and smell up the whole room - gross! This is one benefit to bed rest - (the only one I have come up with so far...) no diaper changing. Teaghan got the hiccups again when Charleigh was here and she likes to feel them. I am not sure she knows exactly what to think. Teaghan gets the hiccups at least 4 times a day! Charleigh always got them right when I was going to bed.

There was nothing good on TV tonight so I reorganized my bedside table. How pathetic is that? I am definitely ready to be out of this room!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1 - A New Month

Now that I am totally disgusted with the Bachelor...

This morning we finally were able to get a definite date that they will induce me... the fun will begin March 9. At first, the doctor said that I would not be 34 weeks until Wednesday the 10th, but after seeing the look on my face, he decided to double check. I was right! When Keene admitted me, they wrote the wrong due date down, so they checked my early ultrasounds. One day may not seem like a lot, but for me, that's a whole 24 hours more to sit in bed! They already had two inductions scheduled for this date, but bumped one of them, since they can only do two in a day. I guess that is the benefit of sitting here waiting for a month!

They also decided to cut back the non-stress tests to only one time each day. This is stressing me out a little so I am going to double check with the doctor in the morning. When the nurse told me this tonight, she thought it was a good thing because Teaghan has done so well. To me, this time on the monitor is my reassurance that everything is okay. We'll see...

When you have been in a hospital bed for so long, it becomes quite depressing to look in the mirror. SO...while make up and a curling iron sound like way too much energy, my eyebrows were a permanent fix that needed help. I decided to wax my own eyebrows in my hospital room. Mom delivered the goods yesterday. Since you can't see in the mirror very well, I climbed up on the chair and sat on the counter (and only got caught by Nellie the cleaning lady). I felt much better when done! This is enough for now, major makeover before next Tuesday for me!

Today was a no Charleigh day, but she will be here tomorrow afternoon. Brian went back to Keene to work, so it was quiet night.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28

Today was another pretty quiet day here. Charleigh came to visit and Mom and Dad even go to sneak out to do some shopping while she stayed here. We were entertained by her trying to cut my nails, which she took quite seriously. She must have worn herself out, because she later snuggled upon my bed for an almost 2 hour nap! Dad made Brian and I dinner to heat up, so that topped off a good day!

Teaghan was stubborn on the monitor this morning but eventually was fine; tonight was perfect, though. We're leaving February and headed for March...I guess she really does have a mind of her own!

Tomorrow I will be thinking of everyone going back to school after a week off. I can honestly say, I would rather be going back to school than sitting here... I am sure you will all keep me posted!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 27

After a sleepless night and a long morning, I was finally moved back to the quiet end of the hall in a single room at 3:00pm! Brian got here around 10:00am and by noon he had had it...he was less than impressed with the lack of space and endless whining from my "friends" in room 10! He checked in with the nurses about every half hour to see when I could move. Nothing like a pain in the butt to get them moving! It is so nice to sit here in peace and quiet!

Charleigh came for a visit today and the poor thing was a little confused about why they were moving my things yet again. She stopped asking questions as soon as I was back in a single room! Mom said that now as soon as they pull out of the driveway she begins asking where the doctor's is...good thing she usually falls asleep on the ride here!

Teaghan was great on the monitor this morning and super stubborn tonight. They had me drink some apple juice to get her going and then all was fine.

We are both super tired, so bedtime is soon!

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26

The days just keep getting longer and more miserable! I once again have a roomie, only this time, they even moved me to a different room. My space in this room is smaller than a jail cell. I literally can't move and all of my things are in bags...I can find nothing at all! On top of this I can no longer even see outside. Forget the fact that it totally grosses me out to be sharing a bathroom (especially with her 24 hour urine sample hanging out on the floor). They claim they are full, but there are empty rooms! On top of that, my light is broken and they don't seem to think it is a priority to fix it.

I know you are dying to know about this roommate... She is far better than the first one, however, I think I may have to report her for verbal abuse to her husband! She is so stinkin' mean to him and he is kissing her you know what! As I type, they are arguing about whether or not to brush their teeth before bed. Really?!? He went to the store and bought her Junior Mints when she said she meant breath mints. He really took a beating for this one! Poor guy! Overall, she is fine, but kind of snobby. Hopefully this is short lived!

On the brighter side of things, the ICN doctor did come by today. My parents and Charleigh were there, too, so it was nice that they could hear what he had to say. To summarize, he said that the picture has improved greatly from 29 weeks to 32 1/2 where we are now. He gave lots of reasons as to why and then also talked about how great it would be if we could make it to 34 weeks. (Guess I won't take the easy way out and be induced at 33!) The main issues now will be feeding, maintaining body temperature and possibly some breathing. The man we spoke with was the head of the unit and was very knowledgeable. He also shared some about the unit with us; I was surprised that they have 30 beds in the ICN. (20 of them are currently filled.) I hope that end of the road is easier than this (although I know it won't be easy!).

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25

So, I have decided that this blog serves two lets everyone know what is going on and ensures I know what the date is!

Last night was long with not much sleep. Between the mean nurse and the cold I am getting, I was awake until 4am. When they wake you up at 6:30, that is not much sleep! While I still have a cold, my nurses today and tonight were/are very kind!

Charleigh came today and we had another good visit. Since they stopped checking my sugar...we got ice cream! Just a small serving, of course, but it sure was good! Charleigh got vanilla, but half way through decided that Grandpa's ice cream with chocolate sauce was far better.

Still no visit from the ICN doctors; maybe tomorrow. When the high risk doctors came in during rounds, they did mention the possibility of testing for lung maturity at 33 weeks and inducing me if she looks okay. This is tough...on one hand I think...what are we waiting for?! Then I worry that there will be other issues. I will definitely let them make that call!

February 24

How long does it take a pregnant person to get really sick of being in the hospital? 18 Days! I am very over being here! From sitting in bed all day to getting my finger pricked 4 times a day and not seeing Charleigh, I have officially had it! I want to go home...

It took Brian 2 hours to get here Tuesday night in the snow. He said he could barely see for a least half of the ride. He arrived just before midnight and crashed as soon as he walked through the door! When he got here, he did mention that his neck was itchy. When he woke up in the morning, it was his neck, feet, legs, back...he had a horrible rash. So to the ER he went. I wish I had gone because he said after a short time of being there it got so bad that his whole body was one fire....he said he couldn't even sit still. Three prescriptions later he is like a new person!

No visit from the ICN doctors today...hopefully someone will come before Brian has to leave tomorrow.

Tonight, I have the biggest (not so nice word) for a nurse you can imagine. Katelyn was here when she was my nurse last week and she could not believe how she talked to me. Most of the nurses here are really nice, this one not so much! I will spare you the details, but it ruined my whole night!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23 - 32 Weeks!

Thirty two weeks sounds so far along! I have been here for 17 days; far longer than I thought I would be when I was admitted. We are hoping to hear from the ICN (Intensive Care Nursery - same as NICU) doctor tomorrow about how the picture has changed if she were to be born tomorrow.

In making it to 32 weeks, Teaghan now has to have accelerations of at least 15 beats per minute when she is on the monitor. This morning was fine, but tonight she was sleeping for the first 15 minutes of the test. Once she woke up she had no problems with the non-stress test and was moving like crazy.

They continued to monitor my sugar today and all of the four test were low. They like the fasting test to be below 95, mine was 89, and they want all of the 2-hour post meal tests to be under 120. All three of mine were in the 80's. Maybe I can go back to eating chocolate soon!

Charleigh came to visit today and was very well behaved! Of course, the first thing she said to me was, "Mom, wanna go for a ride?"! What a piece of work! They will stay home tomorrow because of the snow and we will see what the rest of the weeks looks like.

Brian worked early today and will leave Keene at 10:00pm tonight. He will need to slow his speed down from his NASCAR style driving with the snow! It seems like it will be better for him to drive tonight than tomorrow morning. Of course, as long as he is here, nothing will happen. If he was snowed in, she would decide the time had come for sure!

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22

Today was a busy day full of tests! First I had blood drawn for a CBC, which came back fine. Next, we were off to ultrasound for our two week growth check. Teaghan still looks good, and I still have very little fluid. Their guess at her weight was approximately 3lbs. 11 oz. We were a little disappointed that she had not gained a little more (this takes her from the 80th percentile when we arrived to the 48th percentile today). The high risk OB that we spoke with following the ultrasound said this is not at all of concern; she is a very average baby. She also reminded us that this is just an approximate weight and that with such low levels of fluid it makes it even more difficult to get an accurate measurement. It was very difficult to determine just what the ultrasound tech was looking at, especially her face!

When we came back upstairs, the doctors had decided to continue to test my blood sugar levels because of the high fasting rate yesterday. They said it has nothing to do with what I am eating, but rather my body's reaction to pregnancy. Of course, I could watch how many carbs I am consuming, but not obsessively. Then came the nutritionist...she was a bit harsh! She told me that I had gestational diabetes, changed my menu and gave me a list of a TON of food to consume in a day. Since this was contradictory to what I was told in the morning, I checked in with the doctor who said I heard correctly this gestational diabetes, just concern for the morning fasting levels. They will continue to check 4 times a day, but today's levels were great!

Brian headed back to Keene to work tonight. He is going to work from noon until 10pm tomorrow to try to make it here despite the snow. My parents are going to try to get Charleigh here for a visit before the anticipated snow since I may miss a day or two of seeing her. I knew there were more reasons I hate snow!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21

Today was a fun and exciting day of having my sugar tested. My fasting sugar this morning was 109 which, according to the doctor, was too high. The rest of the day, though my sugar was fine, if not low! Who knows what they will say I have to do next...I guess we'll see in the morning. One nurse told me the longer I am here, the more they will find is wrong with me. Hmmmm...great!

Charleigh, Mom, and Dad came to visit this afternoon. Charleigh was super cranky at first since she had slept the whole way here, but quickly settled in and took over the place. She looked so cute in her new monkey dress!

Teaghan still looks good...I was having a few very small contractions on the monitor tonight, but they are nothing I can even feel, so they are not at all concerned. Darn! I mean, phew!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20

Today was a pretty quiet day. Teaghan behaved on the monitor both this morning and tonight. Brian is back for the weekend to keep me company and Charleigh came for a visit this afternoon. We went for our routine wheelchair ride and Charleigh enjoyed every minute of it.

When the doctor came in this morning, she told me that one of the blood draws on my three hour glucose test was a little high. (Keene told me it was fine.) She said I could either repeat the three hour test or they could do a finger prick sugar test 4 times a day once a week until I deliver. ANYTHING would be better than doing the three hour test again! This does not indicate that I have gestational diabetes, but that I am at high risk for carbohydrate intolerance. They can't take much away from the menu that they offer me, so I guess it won't matter either way.

I also forgot to mention that I missed a major milestone in Charleigh's life yesterday....she pooped on the potty for the first time! I guess of all things to miss, this is one of the messier ones! She did tell me on the phone, though, and was quite proud!

On another note, inquiring minds want to know if I ate the cupcake so generously offered to me yesterday. The answer is NO!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19

My day stared off at 1:27am when I was awoken by my nurse. I thought this was simply to take my vitals, until she said she had bad news...I would be getting a roommate. This has been my biggest fear since I arrived. It is stressful enough being here; I hardly want to share this experience with a stranger! The nurse assured me that she was going home in the morning and that she usually sleeps all night.

WRONG! She came in and did not sleep at all. I know this, because neither did I. Luckily, I did not catch a glimpse of this young woman until the morning because I would have had nightmares if I did fall asleep for sure! She spent the entire night texting and getting up and down and leaving the room only to come back seconds later. On top of that she was pumping (and not proficient at it apparently) and her bed had a mattress that automatically adjusted every time she moved.

My "roomie" got a phone call on the room phone at around 7am and when she came around the curtain I almost died. Now not that looks mean anything, BUT... she had more piercings than I have ever seen and had many tatoos; that's too many to count! (Did you know you could pierce your cheek?!) The other unique detail about my new friend that can't be ignored was her language. Now I may not have the cleanest mouth, but she used more 4 letter words in an hour period (to nurses, etc.) than I did when I was in labor with Charleigh (and that is a lot).

Needless to say when the doctor came in and asked how I slept, I was happy to let her know!

Some quotes from my roomie:
*"I have a fear of needles unless they are giving me a tatoo or a piercing."
*"Do you have any other kids?" (Yes, a 2 year old daughter.) "I know how hard it is to be away...I have two cats at home and they don' listen to my boyfriend."
*"I watched my best friend kill himself. Want a cupcake?"
*"I call that doctor Dr. Dink. He wasn't so nice to me."

Anyway, the rest of the day was good. Teaghan wasn't really active during my time on the monitor, but she still passed the non-stress test. (Passing means that her heart rate has to accelerate at least 10 beats per minute three times within a 20 minute time period.) Charleigh came for a nice visit and we had pizza for dinner. This was Dad's birthday celebration! I hope next year we can be a bit more formal! I am absolutely exhausted and looking forward to bed!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy 60th Birthday, Dad! - February 18

Dad got his birthday celebration off to a bang at 12:10am when Ripley had a seizure. He said it was either a seizure or an earthquake that woke him out of a sound sleep. (Ripley is on medication for her seizures, but occasionally has one anyway.) Then Charleigh woke up with a low grade fever a couple of hours later. I told Dad that Brian and I just wanted to make sure that they were getting the full Bohannon household experience!

Needless to say, Charleigh did not come to visit today so she did not share the fever. This, despite the fact that she acted just fine all day. I had Mom take her to the doctor's and her ears and chest were fine. (Again, they need the FULL experience and there is nothing like a trip to the pediatrician.) The only good part of this is that Dad got to enjoy a home cooked meal on his birthday. This is a rarity with all of the driving back and forth. Charleigh seems to be better, so I will look forward to seeing her tomorrow. No 24 hour rule here - I am far too impatient.

Teaghan is doing very well still. Each day gets a little longer sitting her, but I know (somewhere in my mind) that each day counts. For now, my favorite part of each day is when Charleigh calls to sing to me at bedtime. She generally chooses two selections from Twinkle, Twinkle, ABCs, and Pat-A -Cake. Tonight I got to hear all three!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17

Today was full of fun things.....

Charleigh coming to visit was, of course, on the top of the list. Then, she was quite excited to learn that I had been released for a wheelchair ride. Quite a novelty for a two year old! She rode with me for the first half, but then decided she wanted to push Mommy. Look out! I had to remind Brian that he had to watch her so we weren't crashing into the walls.

This afternoon I had massage therapy. I thought they were kidding when they said they were going to order this...maybe tomorrow someone will come to give me the pedicure and manicure I requested. By the way, if you were one of the people who texted me during this time, I apologize for Brian's response, "getting rubbed down"!

Mom made Brian and I lasagna to heat up for dinner tonight. YUM!!! There is nothing like real food! We even have a couple of pieces left to freeze for another night.

Teaghan was looking good again today. I am not really sure when to expect this little girl's entrance. I guess she is the one in charge!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16 - 31 Weeks

With each week that goes by, it kind of feels like a birthday. First of all, each week seems like the equivalent of a year sitting in this bed and secondly, it feels like a major accomplishment! This week is kind of the in between week. If I am still here at this time next week, we will have another ultrasound to check for growth and we will meet with the NICU doctors again to talk about how things have changed. For now, we'll try to get through tomorrow.

No Charleigh again today because of the snow. It sounds like Keene got far more snow than there is here. Then again, I am judging the snowfall here based upon what I see on the rooftop I can see from my room.

Tomorrow the whole crew will come for a visit and Brian will be able to spend the night. I am sure he is looking forward to a restful night's sleep on the plastic pull out!

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15

This was another one of those boring days. The doctors and nurses ask the same questions and I give the same answers. No contractions, cramping, bleeding, tenderness, etc. Still leaking fluid. I should make a sign and just hold it up when they come in! Teaghan had two really good non-stress tests today, so that was good, too.

Brian went back to work tonight and will be back on Wednesday. Charleigh didn't visit today because Dad taught tonight. It looks like we are going to get some snow tomorrow, too, so they will stay home rather than travel then, too. I will definitely be looking forward to Wednesday!

As pathetic as this sounds, I saved my walk for tonight so I could go to the kitchen and retrieve the ice cream Katelyn brought us! Nothing like some raspberry chocolate chunk ice cream and the Bachelor to get you through a long day.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14 - Valentine's Day

Today I am officially off of the ampicillin and erythromycin. They say that studies show that infection is most likely to set in within the first week. Those who make it through that first week tend to continue the pregnancy even further. I guess this means that I should get used to this bed!

Charleigh visited with Mom and Dad again today. She looked super cute in her Valentine's Day dress and matching tights. She and Brian had picked up some Valentine's Day cards which she colored in and handed out to the nurses. She is definitely getting comfortable here, as she fell asleep in bed with me this afternoon. We actually had to wake her up from her nap.

Teaghan moved quite a bit today, but wasn't ready to celebrate with us. She gave a star performance on the monitor!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

One Week Ago...February 13

We survived a whole week! I am now 30 weeks 4 days pregnant. After today they will cut back the antibiotics. That should make things interesting.

Today Brian returned and we had a good visit with Charleigh. She is staying at Aunt Kate and Uncle Garrett's tonight with my parents. They stayed for the afternoon and at around 6:30 went to the Dartmouth hockey game. Charleigh had a good time, but crashed on the way home.

For dinner tonight we got take out from Margarita's. No, they have not yet ordered me to drink, but the food sure was good! Then again, McDonald's would taste gourmet at this point.

In sitting here, we have thought about all of the possible interesting dates that Teaghan could be born. We decided that tomorrow would be cool because it is Valentine's Day. Brian even came up with the idea that Valentine's Day is a holiday that begins with V, and Charleigh was born on Veteran's Day. (I know, lame, but this is what we have to think about...) Next on the list is the 18th, which is Dad's birthday. I guess we will see.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 12 - On the loose...

They set me free for a big walk down the hall today. I actually had no idea what the rest of the floor even looked like. I waited until Charleigh arrived to head out and she thought it was pretty cool to take me on a walk...especially when we were able to find the family room with a few toys.

Katelyn worked from 11am-11pm today and came up at dinner. She was quite entertained (at my expense) as she was able to witness a small flood! The fluid continues leaking, but usually nothing quite like this. She got on her feet pretty quickly: ) Good thing she is used to a lot worse on her floor! It has been SO nice having her here!

My sense of humor is getting a little more twisted each day I sit here. There are several student nurses who work along with the RNs. They are always checking my legs, reflexes, etc. If I don't know what they are looking for (like when the roll my ankles and let them drop?!?) I ask what it is they are testing and what would happen if something was wrong. Now I laugh every time one comes in because I think it would be so funny to pretend something was wrong! How else are they going to learn?!

Once again, Teaghan looks great today! We will see what the weekend has in store...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, February 11

Two words - MINI FRIDGE!!!! A member of the staff asked me today if I would like a mini fridge. I felt like I won the lottery! If I had known that was an option earlier, I would have jumped on it for sure. Instantly, I began making a grocery list! It really is the small things that get me excited.

The doctor's decided that I needed to start some P.T. today. I have to say, I don't think what they gave me will wear me out too quickly! Rolling my ankles and stretching my shoulders...all while lying in bed! Phew!

Teaghan looks great on the monitor again today. She is still very active, both day and night, too. This morning the doctor said that most women deliver within a week of their "membranes rupturing" but that some go on for weeks. She said the record is around 12 weeks. As much as I want Teaghan to be healthy, I am not in a competition or out to break any records! I guess we will wait and see.

Charleigh came for a fun visit...she got to "ride" on my bed and watch Oscar on the computer. On one of her walks a nurse even showed her a baby. Life doesn't get better than that!

Wednesday, February 10

Today was another fairly quiet day. The morning stress test showed a couple of drops in her heart rate so they left me on the monitor for a bit longer. In the end all was fine and the night time test went well, too.

Brian came back today to spend the night, but will head home Thursday afternoon to work Thursday and Friday nights. No Charleigh visit today, but she enjoyed the preschool Valentine's Day show. (I was so bummed to miss this myself!) Charleigh asked me if I wanted to go with her to the show and when I told her that I would, but I had to stay at the doctor's, her response was, "Oh, I get it!" Hmmm...does she really?!

The food here is horrible! When Brian tries something and says it is gross, I know I am not being too picky. My options are quite limited and it feels like the same thing over and over again.

We'll see what tonight brings...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9

Today was rather uneventful! Both non-stress tests were perfect today and Teaghan is still moving around!

Charleigh was much more comfortable during today's visit. She enjoys entertaining the nursing staff (and the rest of the hospital for that matter!).

Brian headed back to Keene today to work tonight. I am sure Charleigh will be happy to find him home in the morning. He was less than excited about being an hour away when he left.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, February 8...Up an ounce!

An ultrasound at 8am showed that Teaghan now looks to weigh 3lbs. 6oz. Still tiny, but gaining. Her cord flow was good and her fluid was, of course, low.

This was my last day of antibiotics by IV and I was very ready to be done. Not so much fun...

I was off the monitor for most of the day and the two non-stress tests that I had looked great.

Brian decided to take tonight off after the scare last night and our extreme lack of sleep. We both were a excited for bed time!

Sunday, February 7

We did it! 6:00pm came and shot #2 was given. It would take full effect in 24 hours and we were told that we would wait as long as we could. The baby was still producing fluid and I would most certainly continue to leak fluid. Waiting was hard, but other than some contractions on and off during the day, it was okay.

At the evening report we were told that her heart rate had dropped too low and we would need to evaluate her condition in the morning. There was a good possibility that they would induce labor. BUT....the night went okay, with the exception of one moment of panic when Brian awoke to the nurse calling for help and the doctor. They were unable to find her heart rate after it had dropped significantly. Oxygen was out and we didn't know what to think. She recovered nicely, and we were able to breathe again. My IV then became very painful and was changed a 2am. Not fun... In the morning we were back to waiting.

The highlight of the day was when a very uncertain Charleigh came to visit. (Being away from her is the worst part...) She was not really sure why I was at the doctor's, but was quite happy to dance to Baby Teaghan's heartbeat on the monitor. Thank goodness Grandma and Grandpa are taking good care of her!

Saturday, February 6

While sitting in class at Rivier, I was planning to rush out right at the end to head home for Dad's surprise 60th birthday party. Just after 1:00pm, however, I was the one who was surprised. Either I had wet my pants or my water broke! I decided to stay in class for awhile because I was afraid if it was fluid leaking I would start having contractions and be on the side of Rt. 101 by myself. I waited until the class took a break and calmly told Dr. Gleason that I was leaving. (He was eager for me to head out if anything was wrong!)

I called the clinic in Keene and was told to head home and let them know if I leaked any more fluid. After stopping at Target to buy another pair of pants, I was on my way, and proceeded to call Keene and say I was on my way. They quickly confirmed that, indeed, my water had broken. I was 29 weeks, 4 days pregnant. No party for us!

We were told I would be transported to DHMC in Lebanon, as this is the closest hospital with a NICU. I was given a steroid shot to boost the baby's lung development, antibiotics to prevent infection, and we were on our way. The ride was a little bumpy, but I made it...Brian met me there.

I was given immediate attention and they confirmed that my water had broken again. An ultrasound showed that the baby weighed about 3lbs. 5 oz. and was doing okay. I had contractions about 5 minutes apart until around 2:30am. As they monitored me quite closely and I had lots going on in my mind, I slept for about an hour. Brian didn't sleep much more. The goal was to make it until 6pm Sunday night for another steroid shot.