Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11

After a long day with some photo therapy, Teaghan is looking great! She was beginning to look quite orange and after several days just under her light level, she finally went way over at 16.9. Her little sunglasses made her look a little funny! They will re-test her Friday morning, but we should be done with the jaundice ordeal.

Teaghan is also nursing very well! Yesterday she fed well, needing only half feeds at some points and today I breastfed her all day. Her eating patterns are still immature, but she is able to handle it. In addition, she has reached her maximum feeding, 41mL, for those in between tube feedings. The nurse told me that I may want to consider sleeping at the hospital to feed her overnight, but that I would have to share a room with one or two other women. I think I will wait until we get a little closer to going home - I have had my share of doubling!

Teaghan gained 80 grams on Wednesday and we are hoping for similar gains from today. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

She had a brief apnea spell that lasted for seven seconds. They will probably start her countdown over again, meaning she has at least another 5 or 7 days there. This said, they are also saying that she will very possibly be home by the end of the month. I don't want to rush things at all....although it sure will be nice to have both girls at home!

Charleigh continues to love her new role of big sister! She loves to help change her diaper, take her temperature and even hold her (for very short periods of time). She was less than impressed with the poopy diaper T gifted us with this afternoon, though. Charleigh, Mom and Dad visited today and will be here tomorrow, too. Next week Auntie Kate and Uncle Garrett will be on vacation, so the whole crew will come spend a few nights! I can't wait to tuck Charleigh in again!

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